Tuesday, May 20, 2014

How to curb the voting issues for CSM

Dramatic drop in Voting from CSM8 to CSM9. 49,702 for CSM8 to 31,294 for CSM9. Clearly the player base is not falling behind the CSM as a concept. 18408 people apparently fell of the CSM bandwagon in less than 1 years time. In that same time we see no significant drop in player base to account for that drop.

So Assuming 37% of the player base didn’t quit the game what happened?
During my own campaign I came across 3 specific issues. Distrust, motivations in the wrong place, and general lack of knowledge
There are a few parts to this and They do not come from me directly I spent my campaign working with The Ditanian Fleet on their coms and in their fleets. These are responses about the CSM Direct from members of those fleets. I don’t wish to target specific CSM members current or passed.
Distrust part 1 Systematic (Single transferable vote)
“ITS RIGGED anyways” Despite Efforts from CCP to release voting data very promptly people don’t trust the data. This is the problem. The single transferable vote is a complex system and people do not understand how to vote in it. Here is the problem. Most people do not have background in electoral systems so immediately scream rigged when their candidate doesn’t win. There is no fighting this there are always people that will say thing just hopefully they don’t say it convincing others not to vote.
Distrust part 2 Candidates from large coalitions
“Inherently I don’t trust goons and would not vote for them however 11,000 members would.” But a voting issue doesn’t come from this directly.  Voters are turned away when their is no hope of their candidate winning. lets do some quick math. 31,000 votes – 11,000 members of a single alliance. That is slightly more than 1/3 of the voting populous if they all voted. Likely they didn’t but enough to win did. Its rare and this is in fact backed by the candidates affiliations for CSM9 to have a average Joe win. I’m not complaining that is politics and I understood my chances from the start. This is on why people didn’t vote. 100% of the time goon swarm will have a representative if they run.  That is a population based democracy at work. But it causes people who would vote for lesser known candidates not to vote at all. I received 200+ votes after it was all said and done and I don’t have that many accounts. Basically people are turned off because size = power and literally a way to whisper in a devs ear. But there are thousands of alliances that do not get to be heard.
Motivations in the Wrong Place
motivations in the wrong place part 1
“CSM is an advisory committee with little to no power in making any real changes to the game. Its power comes form direct talks and being able to convince Devs something needs work or not.” However The number 1 complaint when asking for a vote was the benefit. A trip to Iceland to sit and chat with Devs. Who in this game wouldn’t sell their soul to the devil for that opportunity. Its a huge upside and people immediately because in EVE online its drilled into you Assume the worst until you convince them otherwise. Considering it is free to run there is no down side of not running.
Motivations in the Wrong place part 2
“In order to get elected people will say anything, or do anything.” This is politics 101. There is a reason congressional approval rating is at a staggering 7%. for instance more people approve of Furries than Congress. IT works the same in Eve. There are some on the CSM that are there for the right reason to them thank you.
Lack of Knowledge 
Lack of Knowledge Part 1
“What is the CSM?” I can not tell you how many times I answered that question. I would be willing to bet the CSM as a concept is only known by 15% or so of the eve population an at least a portion of them do not understand what the CSM does.
Lack of Knowledge Part 2
“There is an Election?” Bittervets assume CCP just goes to large alliances and picks them. (if you see the list the uneducated person might make that assumption too.) NEwer players just don’t know.
Lack of Knowledge Part 3
“Oh thats what the prompt does…” CCP did little to nothing to promote the election this year. on Login there was a prompt otherwise you have to be an avid forums follower or know what you are looking for. What can CCP do to make it more well known that the CSM election is running?
So turn to you guys how do we change the voting trend?
How do we get the CSM trusted again?
And How do we want to promote the CSM election for next year to get a better turnout?

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