Tuesday, December 9, 2014

An open message for Etherium Reach

(To be read in a southern black baptist preachers voice)

Gentlemen a crusade pushes into our homes. They claim a pure and honorable religion based on creating free ports that threatening our very way of life. We are the gatekeepers of Etherium reach and are determined to hold the space at whatever costs. This shadow has been cast as they ride on our families and friends disrupting the life and liberty we have established here in null. We must cast out the Crusaders and purge the darkness exposing the greed of their leaders begging for more and more isk and fattening their own wallets.

They try and cast us as the evil when we only seek to protect our way of life. They ride on us and claim we attacked first when they siege and entered our homes. They have the nerve to call our lands their home.

We gave them a warning Wednesday of the power of the Iron Clad Fleet The thunder of our guns shook them to their core. We rang out in a single united voice that we will not surrender quietly into the night. We will prevail. In doing so we gave them an option to leave peacefully and yet again they claim it to be their home. 

We have lived here for years in one form or another we have weathered many wars and many tyrants but no one can take this from us, our blood has been spilled, our friends have been lost, and our lands have been torched but no, this is our home. We will never give it up nor will we ever surrender.  We have and will always defend our lands.

Now we muster every pilot and every citizen of our lands and proclaim our sovereign right to our homes. We will purge the crusaders like the religious Zealots that they are. We will call on the Golden fleet to purge the filth with the light of 10,000 beams and cast them from our homes.  CT8K-0 will burn and the crusaders will be forced out. 

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